GEO5 Logiciel

Aide contextuelle


Earth Grading

The frame "Earth grading" serves to define terrain earth grading. The earth grading cannot be defined in the first stage of construction.

The earth grading should considerably simplify an input of excavation pits or embankments. The essential part of earth grading is the shape of bottom, from which the slopes of excavations or embankments are directed towards the original terrain. The original terrain points and edges, found in the region of earth grading, are automatically removed during generation.

More than one earth grading can be defined within a single stage of constructions. They must not, however, cross each other. If that happens, they need to be combined into a single earth grading. No part of earth grading can also exceed the world dimensions - in such a case one should realize that faces of earth grading may exceed the world dimensions even if the bottom is defined well inside.

The earth grading can be edited only in the stage, where it is defined. In the next stage of construction, the earth grading is transferred in terms of terrain new points and edges.

With the help of table: earth grading is defined in the table. The "Add" button opens the "New earth grading" dialog window, which allows for specifying the name of earth grading (by checking individual boxes it is possible to define a uniform depth of the bottom and a uniform gradient of the slope). This dialog window contains a table to introduce points, which define the ground plan (general polygon) of earth grading.  To enter these points, proceed in the similar way as when defining terrain points. Pressing the "Add" button closes the dialog window and the new earth grading is inserted into the table.

The earth grading can be further modified (in the dialog window) using the "Edit" button or removed with the help of "Remove" button (more than one earth grading can be marked in the table to remove them all at once - before removing, the selected earth grading is displayed on the desktop in red). Each change is immediately reflected on the desktop.

With the help of the mouse: this inputting mode is turned on by pressing a respective button on the horizontal bar. The following options are available:

Add earth grading

  • To input an earth grading, click the left mouse button on the desktop to successively define individual points of the polygon, which determines a ground plan of an earth grading - the polygon must be closed (the last clicked point serves as the first point of the polygon) - after closing the polygon the program opens the "New earth grading" dialog window; to continue follow the same steps as when an input using the table is assumed - providing the earth grading cannot be defined, or it overlays an already existing one, the program prompts a warning message

Edit earth grading

  • clicking an already existing earth grading using the left mouse button (see active objects) opens the "Edit earth grading" dialog window, which allows for editing the respective grading (is possible using buttons in the dialog window "OK+ " a "OK+") 

Remove earth grading

  • clicking an earth grading using the left mouse button opens a dialog window, which requests to confirm deletion of the selected earth grading

Visualization of drawing on the desktop can be modified in any input regime based on the setting adjusted in the "Drawing Settings" frame and with the help of buttons on tool bar "Visualization".

Frame "Earth grading" - input, edit

Frame "Earth grading" - defined earth grading

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